Frequently Asked Questions

Where do lessons take place?​
All music lessons and classes take place in our studio, which is located on the second floor of First Congregational Church of Webster Groves ("First Church"). The address is 10 W. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119 but our studio is accessed from the parking lot on Gore Ave. Parents are expected to drop students off at the west entrance by entering from Gore Ave. and return there at the end of the lesson.
Our studio is not affiliated with First Church, but we are grateful for the beautiful, spacious studio space they provide to us! Thank you for being respectful of the church and studio facilities.
Pro-tip: Type in Patterson Performing Arts into Google Maps, and it will take you to the correct side of the building.
Where do I park?
You may park in the west lot on the Gore Ave. side of the church. If you're coming from Elm, you'll need to drive around the church to access the west lot.
When dropping off or picking up, please wait to drop off until 5 minutes before student's lesson time begins. The Instructor or a Teaching Assistant will meet students at the glass doors to let them in and bring them back out to the parking lot. These doors remain locked at all times.
Where should I enter the church?
Students should meet their instructor and enter the church through the west entrance, which is accessed from the parking lot on Gore Ave.
​What should I do when I arrive?
Arrive no more than five minutes before your scheduled slot.
Studio staff will let you in, but it may take a few moments for them to appear. If there is a delay, please text the studio: 314-529-0082.
Your Instructor or Teaching Assistant will come down to greet you at your lesson time.
There are stairs leading to the second floor, but an elevator is also available nearby, if needed.
What should I bring?
All students should bring the following to every lesson:​​
Sheet music organized in a binder or Piano books
No-leak water bottle with lid
Singers should also bring:​​
A device that can be used to record portions of the lesson (this can be a cell phone or any other device which can record - be sure it is charged and has enough memory space!)
Any assigned sight-reading curriculum
How do I register for lessons -- what is this Student Portal you mentioned, and how do I get to it?
If you are new to the studio, the first step is to contact us. We'll get to know you a bit, help you decide what type of lesson is right for you, find an available lesson or lab time that works, and answer any questions you may have.
Next, you may register for music lessons. There is an annual registration fee of $50.
Once you have registered, you will receive a welcome email with login information to our Student Portal, which gives you the ability to view the schedule for lessons and upcoming events, and the flexibility of canceling/re-scheduling lessons when there is a conflict, without having to contact the studio first.
What should I do if I must cancel a lesson?
To cancel a lesson in advance (at least 24 hours prior), visit the calendar in the Student Portal. Submit attendance as absent, and a make-up credit will be issued, at which point you may sign up for any other open slots. (Lab students may only sign up for vacant Lab slots; 1:1 students may only sign up for vacant 1:1 slots).
Emergencies happen to all of us. If you have a sudden emergency, please notify the studio as soon as possible, preferably by text, (314-529-0082) not by email.
No make-up credit is issued for a cancellation with less than 24 hours' notice.
Students may use up to 3* make-up credits per session (Fall/Winter, Spring; *2 in Summer). Credits expire at the end of each session and may not be rolled over.
If you need to switch your lesson slot permanently or semi-permanently to another slot, please contact the studio to make these arrangements.
What happens if the weather is bad?
If bad weather prevents us from keeping the studio open, we will notify students and hold the lessons via zoom instead. You will receive zoom login credentials if that happens.
What opportunities are there to perform?
Three times annually, public performances give students the opportunity to perform for family and friends. Our Spring Showcase in May often incorporates ensemble numbers for students to perform together.
Performing is a crucial element of our studio's well-rounded approach to instruction. It is expected that all voice students participate in these recitals and corresponding dress rehearsals. Special care is taken to prepare students with performance anxiety well in advance for these events.
Piano students have the option to perform at an annual Open House performance when they are ready.
Other informal opportunities to perform exist organically within both the Accelerated Voice & Piano Labs.
Community outreach performances occur sporadically and include free performances at local retirement homes as well as ticketed events at local performance venues.
How can I make sure I don't miss any exciting and helpful studio information?
Make sure your contact information is updated in the Student Portal.
If you haven't done so already, like and follow the Patterson Performing Arts Facebook and Instagram pages. This is where student achievements are celebrated, and other fun tidbits will be posted.
Active students and parents are also welcome to join the closed Patterson Performing Arts Facebook Group to receive audition notices, announcements, reminders, and exclusive access to Studio special events (like headshot sessions!).